Saturday, March 28, 2020

Tutoring at Columbus State University

Tutoring at Columbus State UniversityTutoring Columbus State University has been one of the best choices for students who wish to get a high level of education, but can't afford it. Columbus State University, situated in Columbus, Ohio, has very well-regarded programs, from which you can take advantage and get an education that is rich in information and growth.Columbus State University was established with the idea of helping the underprivileged and providing them with opportunities. This is so that these students can avoid the hardships of living on the streets and be able to have a better life. The Columbus City Schools Board, which runs the institution, also has a commendable vision as to how they want their students to grow and develop into professionals who are able to contribute in society in an exemplary manner.The curriculum at Columbus State University is rigorous and of high quality. The school provides high standards of education, so that it can cater to the needs of the students. You can study practically, in addition to the theoretical side of it.Tutoring at Columbus State University focuses more on analytical thinking and the utilization of resources in order to solve problems. There are many examples of cases where students who need tutoring at Columbus State University are found to excel academically and become talented and successful professionals. This is because they are taught to think independently. An example of a famous case is that of Dwayne Bowman, who in the year 2020 became one of the top ranked students in the United States.It has been pointed out that if the educational facilities provided by the school are not up to par, this will affect the student and their ability to absorb information and learn efficiently. Therefore, you can guarantee that you will be able to learn and progress better in a proper tutoring program, if you can afford to go to Columbus State University.This is so because, once you are finished with your college career, you can become self-sufficient and can work and earn in your own place. Moreover, it is very much cost-effective as compared to taking another semester or two to complete your schooling.Tutoring Columbus State University can be enjoyed without having to worry about the expenditure. For any student who wants to earn a degree that will help them reach their goals, you can make the most of the tutoring services at the school and become a competent employee who is ready to follow instructions given by you.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Discovering Oneself by Mentoring Others

Discovering Oneself by Mentoring Others Education has always been a big part of my life, and I have found myself acting as both learner and teacher over the years. It started at in-school tutoring programs where I began working with my peers tutoring for standardized state examinations, and gradually I began taking on more and more responsibility. I worked as a private tutor on my own for many years before finally coming to Frog Tutoring, which has opened up many new doors for me.As a math and science tutor in Fort Worth, Texas, I work primarily with students leaving high school or entering college, and in the last semester have worked with many new freshman engineering students from the area. I work as a mentor as much as I do a tutor. My job is not only to help these students understand the materials, but also to help mentor these young adults through this transitioning period in any way I can. Most of these students are leaving home for the first time, and are encountering more responsibility than they've ever had before. It can be tough for new college students to adjust to being in charge of managing their time and juggling all their priorities. I am able to help as a peer who understands and can help with all the new difficulties these changes can bring. I don’t just help them with study skills, but also with how gaining confidence in their abilities, preparing for meeting their professors for the first time, troubles with their new roommate, and anything else that comes up.In all of my years of tutoring, these past few months working with other engineering students have been the most rewarding. I don’t just help with homework or preparing for exam, I am able to help students build the skills they will use for the rest of college, and even in their careers. The first few semesters can make or break you in college, especially as a science student. I am there to help support them when there is a bump in the road. They must learn new avenues and approaches to problem solvingâ€"the engineer mindset, so to speak. I truly feel like I am having a meaningful impact on their lives.It’s strange that in teaching others over the years, I have managed to learn so much about myself. I’ve learned how to be a leader, a friend, and a coach. I've learned what it means to really inspire others, and that means a great deal to me. Being told that my work makes a difference with these students really make me feel so grateful for the opportunities I've been given to help them, and it has also revived my interest in subjects I had long since moved on from. Helping a student on general high school chemistry recently I remembered my love for the course that I took so many years ago. The time I spend with these students sheds light on how much I have grown since the time I was there age, and how I got to where I am. Teaching these kids helps remind me who I am and what is important to me.I can think on a single instance in particular which has really impacted me while tutoring. A student came to me with a need for tutoring in chemistry, and she claimed there was no way she was going to pass her class. After a few weeks of working together, she turned to me, grinning widely, and said “I get it!” Watching a girl who had no interest in the subject and who felt so down on herself about it suddenly become really engaged and, dare I say it, excited was extremely fulfilling.I believe that tutoring, and in turn mentoring, makes me a better person. Looking back on old courses that I once took reminds me of where I started outâ€"just as clueless as any other freshman about how the world actually worksâ€"and how much I have actually achieved with my hard work.

Preparing for an international teaching job interview

Preparing for an international teaching job interview An in-person interview is like taking a trip to the dentist - a necessary evil. The build up is the worst part, the actual appointment is usually over far quicker than you expected and it’s a huge relief when the ordeal is over! As Placement Coordinators at Teach Away, our aim to help you secure your dream teaching job abroad and to make sure that your interview is as successful - and as painless - as possible. Here are a few simple tips to keep in mind to help you ace that teaching job interview. Do your homework. It’s important to do the right research on the school that you’re interviewing with. Have a look at the school’s website. What’s their mission statement? What curriculum do they offer? Doing this will help you figure out the type of teacher they might be looking for, and how you can present yourself as a strong candidate. This will also help you to gauge the types of questions you’re likely to face during the interview. While they will be focused on finding a teacher who’s capable of delivering quality lessons, each school has a unique set of values so it’s equally as important that they find the right fit. Brush up on any country and regional customs as well, and be sure to touch on these to show that you’re enthusiastic about working there. Check out the individual country pages on Teach Away for more information on each particular country. Sell yourself. By the time you reach your face-to-face teaching abroad interview, the interviewing panel will have already seen your application and employment history. They’re already considering you for the position - the hard part is already over! When you’re answering questions, include specifics that set you apart from other candidates. Don’t forget to cover points that aren’t on your resume, too. Sure, you can teach awesome lessons, but what else sets you apart? What are your hobbies and interests? Do you engage in extracurricular activities? Can you include examples of how your teaching has improved the success rate of your previous employers and, more importantly, how have you positively impacted your students’ lives? Anticipate questions. You can guarantee that the interviewing panel is looking for a candidate with excellent subject knowledge and the ability to thrive in a culturally diverse environment. Expect to answer questions on how adaptable and flexible you are. They’re looking for someone that can cope with culture shock, too. You could be asked to explain how you would teach a certain subject point and your teaching style, so brush up on your content knowledge in advance. You already know your stuff, but a recap will help you to better recall, for example, the fun way that you used a raw egg and a boiled egg to illustrate kinetic energy! Ask questions. Don’t forget, an interview for a teaching job abroad is also a chance for you to find out whether the job is right for you. Gather as much information as possible so you can make an informed decision if you do receive a job offer. Practice responses. Find a quiet room and rehearse your answers out loud. This will help you shape your responses in a thoughtful way and avoid any mental blocks. When you answer the first few questions confidently during the interview, your natural nervousness will subside. Relax, breathe! It’s the night before the interview. You’ve prepped hard - and you have the qualifications and experience the school are looking for. Your interview outfit is clean and ironed and your route to the interview site is mapped out. Last-minute cramming is only going to impact you negatively. The best thing that you can do at this point is rest, watch a movie, go for a walk, do something that occupies your mind and will help you get a good night’s sleep. You should be well rested and fresh. If you look stressed or tired, it, you risk making a weak first impression. You want to be alert and engaging - just as you are in your day-to-day school life. Take time to reflect. Every interview has its highs and its lows, and we know interviews can be painful to relive. However, once the interview is over, quickly jot down any questions that you can remember and how you answered them. Did any of your responses fall flat? Be critical and honest with yourself on what went right - and what went wrong. Success is not always guaranteed and you can still find positives from the experience so you can be better prepared for your next teach abroad interview. Finally, remember that your Placement Coordinator is always here to help. They have plenty ofexperience in facilitating interviews and should have plenty of advice for you. Don’t be afraid to ask for any hints or tips they might have up their sleeves. Looking for advice from teachers who’ve been there, done that when it comes to interviewing for teaching jobs abroad? Feel free to swing by our forum and ask your questions!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Defying All Odds This Kumon Student is Headed to the Special Olympics

Defying All Odds This Kumon Student is Headed to the Special Olympics Defying All Odds: This Kumon Student is Headed to the Special Olympics Our founder, Toru Kumon, once said “Give it a try! Or you will never discover your true potential.” Meet  Rhea. She  stepped outside of her comfort zone, gave it a try and fell in love with the sport of gymnastics. Today, she’s the New Jersey State Champion for Gymnastics, Level 3,  and will be representing  her state  at the  2018 Special Olympics USA Games in Seattle, Washington  this July.  As an all-around gymnast, Rhea will compete on the beam, the bars apparatus, vault and floor exercise. After Rhea was diagnosed with a learning disability at  five  years old, her  parents  decided to enroll her in Kumon because they felt the structured approach would really help her both academically and socially. “I was amazed by how quickly we saw improvementsâ€"they were apparent within a month and have been consistent  ever  since,” said  Rhea’s mother  Rekha. “Not only was  she  able to start following lessons in class  without  becoming frustrated, but she also developed improved social skills.” Rhea’s Kumon Instructor, Rinku Kapur, refers to her as their “shining star” and boy does she live up to that name. She’s fully grasped the self-learning approach and has incorporated structure into every aspect of her daily life, which is imperative with the schedule that she maintains. Between the intense training for the upcoming Special Olympics, school work, Kumon studies and her other extracurricular activities, time management has been  key  for Rhea. “We are so appreciative of the entire Kumon family, but especially for Rinku,” said  Rekha. “She took it upon herself to make sure our daughter was successful and we are so grateful for that. Because of her, Rhea has overcome her academic hurdles, learned to be organized and structured and developed a sense of accountability and responsibility that she’ll use for the rest of her life.” The motto of the Special Olympicsâ€"“Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt”â€"is about finding the courage to give it your all. If you saw Rhea perform, you’d see that she  exudes confidence in gymnastics. We look forward to following her continued success. You might also be interested in: Defying Age Limits: How One Student Conquered the Stage and Academics From One Kumon Student to Another: From Struggling Student to Kumon Dual Program Completer Defining Success: What It Means as a Kumon Student and Parent Defying All Odds This Kumon Student is Headed to the Special Olympics Defying All Odds: This Kumon Student is Headed to the Special Olympics Our founder, Toru Kumon, once said “Give it a try! Or you will never discover your true potential.” Meet  Rhea. She  stepped outside of her comfort zone, gave it a try and fell in love with the sport of gymnastics. Today, she’s the New Jersey State Champion for Gymnastics, Level 3,  and will be representing  her state  at the  2018 Special Olympics USA Games in Seattle, Washington  this July.  As an all-around gymnast, Rhea will compete on the beam, the bars apparatus, vault and floor exercise. After Rhea was diagnosed with a learning disability at  five  years old, her  parents  decided to enroll her in Kumon because they felt the structured approach would really help her both academically and socially. “I was amazed by how quickly we saw improvementsâ€"they were apparent within a month and have been consistent  ever  since,” said  Rhea’s mother  Rekha. “Not only was  she  able to start following lessons in class  without  becoming frustrated, but she also developed improved social skills.” Rhea’s Kumon Instructor, Rinku Kapur, refers to her as their “shining star” and boy does she live up to that name. She’s fully grasped the self-learning approach and has incorporated structure into every aspect of her daily life, which is imperative with the schedule that she maintains. Between the intense training for the upcoming Special Olympics, school work, Kumon studies and her other extracurricular activities, time management has been  key  for Rhea. “We are so appreciative of the entire Kumon family, but especially for Rinku,” said  Rekha. “She took it upon herself to make sure our daughter was successful and we are so grateful for that. Because of her, Rhea has overcome her academic hurdles, learned to be organized and structured and developed a sense of accountability and responsibility that she’ll use for the rest of her life.” The motto of the Special Olympicsâ€"“Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt”â€"is about finding the courage to give it your all. If you saw Rhea perform, you’d see that she  exudes confidence in gymnastics. We look forward to following her continued success. You might also be interested in: Defying Age Limits: How One Student Conquered the Stage and Academics From One Kumon Student to Another: From Struggling Student to Kumon Dual Program Completer Defining Success: What It Means as a Kumon Student and Parent

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. ~ Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi was Indias most famous fighter for independence from the British colonial powers. He became famous when he fought for the civil rights of Muslim and Hindu Indians in South Africa. Back in India, Gandhi became a leader of Indias independence movement, organizing boycotts against the British in peaceful forms of civil disobedience (hunger strike). He was killed by a fanatic in 1948. Even after his death, Gandhi remains a symbol of non-violence and the belief in simple living making ones own clothes, eating a vegetarian diet, and using fasts for self-purification.

Chemistry Tutors

Chemistry TutorsAs a Chemistry Tutor, Maya Sorenson provides a class that meets the needs of students and prepares them for higher studies in this subject. This opportunity for students of all ages is one of the best ways to learn the fundamental chemistry and science.A good Chemistry tutor will present a workbook with useful topics which have proven beneficial to students in their studies. These topics are found on various college websites. However, it would be better if a student had experience in this field. Such an experience will help prepare a student for successful studies in this subject.The different subjects in Chemistry include Organic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Biochemistry, Quantum Chemistry, NMR and Scattering, and Physics. So, for students who are attending University, it is important to know what is included in each subject so as to make better preparations for higher studies.Instructors at University are usually familiar with the different topics which are taugh t in their colleges and can therefore guide students. The coursework for this subject is generally given in two sections, first is in the college level and second is in the university level.For a student wishing to go to college level, one must do some research to find out the curriculum followed by each college in the state. It would be helpful if a student can look at the curriculum used in the college they are interested in attending. The school will inform the student about the college curriculum requirements. Students should also check whether the university has sufficient labs in order to conduct experiments.Students may also look at universities which provide chemistry education. There are colleges that offer chemical science education but it is important for students to understand the different approach for Chemistry teaching. Some schools prefer to teach basic Chemistry concepts while others prefer to teach more advanced topics. Students should also be able to choose from t hese schools and find which classes are relevant to them.Before enrolling as a Chemistry Tutor, students should interview a prospective student. During the interview process, it would be beneficial if a student can learn more about the business of a tutor by asking what kind of fees he or she charges. Students should ask whether there are any other stipulations before they are allowed to enroll.

Grand Rapids, MI - The Place Where Science Is King

Grand Rapids, MI - The Place Where Science Is KingGrand Rapids, MI - the city that has an area large enough to house the likes of Disney World and Disneyland is home to a school for chemistry tutors! The school has a very small number of students per teacher, and the science classroom here is always full of lively and energetic students.The weather condition in the city is one of the reasons for the great atmosphere of chemistry classes being held. There are a wide variety of wonderful activities for young students to participate in and the beautiful weather makes it even more fun for teachers. Each day there are exciting scientific events held and it is amazing to see how much enthusiasm students have for their science classes.One interesting feature of the Grand Rapids chemistry class is that all the teachers are very helpful and will happily answer any question you may have. Because the class is very small in size, teachers want to be able to help each student and have a good work ing relationship with them. This allows them to teach young minds about the subject and keep them engaged. Teachers from the school have even helped out the students and allowed them to help create various hands on science projects to be taken home and look at next week.When a new student is joining the school, it is important that they feel welcome. Grand Rapids, MI is home to a large number of very active and enthusiastic people. This helps ensure that the chemistry class is full of people who want to learn and want to get better at their job. The classes are held in a fun and relaxed atmosphere and students can expect to find teachers to listen carefully to their questions and help them make progress as quickly as possible.It is always a great experience for the teachers to interact with the new students, especially when they are eager to learn more about the world around them. They are happy to help all students be successful and learn a lot about the world in which they live. G rand Rapids, MI is one of the few cities that has such a high level of science, but as a result of its classes are small, making the staff always happy to help everyone with their questions.For anyone who wants to be involved in a science teacher education program, Grand Rapids, MI offers programs that are perfect for all ages. For children of all ages there are chemistry classes that can be had at the local elementary school. You can even join a class for older students at the local high school or junior college. There are many different ways to be involved with the school in any way you want.Whatever age you are, Grand Rapids, MI is a place that will provide you with everything you need to learn about chemistry. You will find some great options available if you are looking for a good chemistry teaching job and you can even enroll in a great degree program at the school! Grand Rapids, MI is one of the best places to live and learn about science and its application.

Management Accounting v. Financial Accounting

Management Accounting v. Financial Accounting What is the Difference Between Management and Financial Accounting? ChaptersWhat is Management Accounting?What is Financial Accounting?The Bottom Line: Differences Between Cost Accounting and Financial AccountingA substantial portion of the population finds accounting a very dry, boring subject; one with the capacity to draw figurative blinders over one’s eyes, rendering them unable to absorb anything related to facts and figures.On the other hand, there is a select segment of the population who revel in their understanding of such concepts and mentally play numbers games on their commute, just for fun.Is that you? If so, you might know what differences there are in management versus financial accounting.Your Superprof is in the know too, and in this article, lays out particularities specific to each discipline before contrasting the two.a management accountant fulfils are:making financial forecasts based on dataanalysing risk and finding opportunities for financial growthidentifying trends and opportunities for improvementarrange funding and finan cing of a discrete operationcreate/maintain a company’s financial systemenforce budget compliance within various departments.Now that we are clear on the roles and functions of this corporate financial officer, let us look at the particulars of financial accounting.Stock market tickers are largely a result of companies' financial accounting reports Source: Pixabay Credit: 3844328What is Financial Accounting?Financial accounting is a blanket term given to the processes of recording, summarising and reporting a company’s financial data.While financial accountants keep track of every single company expenditure, be they internal or external to the company, their analyses are not only reported to company management.Such reporting goes further, to entities outside of the corporation, such as shareholders, investors and tax authorities.They also report, or at least make their books available to business/government regulators.Whereas the principles of accounting remain the same regardle ss of whether management accounting or financial accounting is involved, because of its internal scrutiny, financial accounting is done according to a certain standard.The generally accepted accounting principles (practice) UK represents the standards of accounting published by the UK’s Financial Reporting Council.Most countries have similar standards, and they must further conform to the International Financial Reporting Standards should they trade on the global stage.In fact, in the US, which has its own nationally recognised accounting standards that report to the Securities and Exchange Commission, companies are moving away from their national programme to embrace the international standards.Company financial accounting is what laypersons know as financial statements. They embody and present the five main classifications of company financial data.Those are:Assets: those things that bring/indicate a company’s valueliabilities: those things that may cost a companyexpenditures: said expenses could be assets or liabilitiesequity: ownership interest; it could also mean as-yet undisbursed shareholder profitsrevenues â€" what is often called the bottom line: how much profit a company has made after everything has been calculated.As a shareholder, one may not be interested in the smallest detail of every financial transaction the company undertakes but executives and governing bodies would avidly scrutinise such balance sheets for any instance of fraud or waste.The American president’s recent rollback of such oversight regulations has some investors worried: by only reporting every six months, companies have a much greater license to misrepresent accounting information and financial performance!Naturally, a global conglomerate's balance sheet would look substantially different! Source; Pixabay Credit: Steve PBThe Bottom Line: Differences Between Cost Accounting and Financial AccountingThe fundamental difference between the two accounting concepts is that the former is accounting used internally for business planning and strategy and the latter is used in external reporting.Those external reports may include copies to tax agencies, oversight committees and to shareholders.Whereas managerial account reports are not required by law, companies are legally required to furnish periodic reports on the company’s financial health and solvency to investors and to government regulators.Managerial accounting happens on an as-needed basis â€" see the examples of retooling an assembly line or expanding into international markets.By contrast, financial information reports are required in specified instalments: annually, semi-annually, quarterly, monthly and, for some businesses, even weekly!There is no specific format required present managerial accounting data. However, financial accounting must be presented in a specific format, to make for easy comparison with other companies.In management accounting, segment reporting pertains to individual sec tions of the business in addition to the business as a whole.Financial accounting pertains to the business as a whole and may include the performance of individual sections if such data is relevant to changes from past reporting.The focus of managerial accounting is on the future; it takes today’s data and forecasts future financial events: budget shortfalls and/or excesses, for example.A further focus on this type of accounting is on planning and strategising: based on potential future revenue, a business leader can plan for expansion or business diversification.Conversely, financial accounting’s focus is on the past in comparison with today’s performance.The term SPLY, meaning same period last year, features prominently in assessing business growth and earnings.Did the business generate as much or more revenue this time last year?If last year’s bottom line is indeed flatter than this year’s, the company can claim growth. However, if this year’s balance sheet revenues a re lower than this time last year, the company may report a loss to their shareholders.Finally: whereas there are no rules pertaining to how, when and in what format a managerial accounting report should be rendered, there are very specific regulations governing financial accounting reporting.Those standards are set forth by either the aforementioned Generally Accepted Accounting Principles or by international accounting standards, also known as IFRS.For further differences between the two types of business accounting, you may refer to this insightful article.If you are chasing an accounting degree and wondering what area of accounting and finance you might specialise in, these two specialities might pique your interest.If you are already employed in business accounting or accounting management, perhaps our outlining the differences between these two types of accounting can help further your career.How so?You may be interested to know that, generally, those involved with management accounting processes tend to be assigned more projects, which means more chance to present the financial conditions of various aspects of the business.You may also stand a better chance at promotion as a managerial accountant!However, financial accountants are pretty much confined to the same type of financial analysis and reporting, cycle after cycle.Here, the excitement comes from spotting anomalies and investigating them.Whichever type of accounting you prefer, you can be sure that you won’t soon be replaced by an algorithm; your skills are far too vital to trust them to a computer!So are those of accounting tutors... are you looking for one?

French Grammar Rules Reading Le Passé Simple

French Grammar Rules Reading Le Passé Simple Megan L. There is one French verb tense that you will likely only come across in literature, the  passé simple. French tutor  Carol Beth L.  shows you how to recognize and understand this tense The passé simple is a unique tense in the French language. Perhaps one or two centuries ago, it was commonly used like the simple past in English. For example: Jallai au magasin. I went to the store. Je couru deux kilometres. I ran two kilometers. The passé simple is similar to the simple past in English in that it condenses the past tense into a single word, instead of using two parts. But with the passage of time, language changes. The passé simple fell into disuse in spoken French, in favor of the passé composé and the imparfait. But in writing, authors still preferred using the  passé simple  to speak about the past. In effect, it became a literary tense. In modern times, authors are beginning to use it less frequently to make their writing sound more like everyday spoken language. But many important works through the mid to late 20th century still use the passé simple. Want to read Antoine de Saint-Exupérys famous Le Petit Prince in its original form, for example? Youll need to be able to recognize the passé simple. Conjugating Regular Verbs in  The Passé Simple For regular verbs, formation of the passé simple is not too difficult. Like other verbal forms, remove the ending (-er, ir, and re) and add the appropriate endings. See  below for an example of an er verb, an ir verb, and an re verb. Conjugating Irregular Verbs in Le Passé Simple Beyond these basic forms, irregular verbs also have irregular roots. It is helpful to think of the accent circonflex (^) as being the first reliable part of the ending, and the vowel upon which it sits as being sometimes determined by the vowel patterns of the verb itself. For example, for the verb avoir  (to have), in the past tense is jai eu. The past participle eu  comes back as the root for the passé simple, and the circonflex sits nicely on the “u.” J ? eus Tu ? eus Il/elle/on ? eut Nous ? eûmes Vous ? eûtes Ils/elles ? eurent The roots for most irregular verbs, however, do come back in some form or another in one of the verbs other tenses, or looks similar in some way.  Here are the roots for some irregular verbs in French: aller  (to go)  ?    all- pouvoir  (to be able)  ?  pu- connaitre  (to be familiar with)  ?  connu- devoir  (to have an obligation), ?  du- naître  (to be born)  ?  naqu- savoir  (to know)  ?  su- venir  (to come)  ?  vin- tenir  (to hold)  ?  tin- The Verb  ÃŠtre Probably one of the most difficult verbs to recognize in the passé simple  is the verb être. However, it is also one of the most common and most easily recognizable. Its conjugation is as follows: Je ? fus Tu?  fus Il ? fut Nous ? fûmes Vous  ? fûtes Ils ? furent Time to Practice! Many teachers will tell you that the most important thing to master about the passé simple is recognition. For everyday, common usage of French, that is true. To take yourself to another level, however, try to master its usage, as well. Here are a few exercises to begin your practice. For the sake of simplicity, conjugate each verb in the passé simple; dont worry about other past tenses for now. 1) Nous ________ (être) au parc. We were at the park. 2) Tu ________ (avoir) cinq ans. You were five years old. 3) Tu ________ (tenir) la main de ta soeur, la soeur qui ________ (être) aussi ta meilleure amie. You held your sisters hand, the sister who was also your best friend. 4) Nos parents ________ (parler) de leur propres enfances innocents. Our parents spoke of their own innocent childhoods. 5) Ils ________ (finir) leur conversation et un coup de tonnerre ________ (éclater). They finished their conversation and a clap of thunder struck. 6) Trop tôt, il ________ (être) temps de rentrer. Too soon, it was time to go home. Check your conjugations below: 1) fûmes 2) eus 3) tenis, fut 4) parlèrent 5) finirent, éclata 6) fut Did you do all right? Now try creating some of your own. Want to learn more about  the  passé simple? Taking lessons with a private instructor is a great way to master new topics of the French language. Search for your French tutor today! Post Author:  Carol Beth L. Carol Beth L. teaches  French lessons in San Francisco, CA. She has her Masters in French language education from the Sorbonne University in Paris and has been teaching since 2009.  Learn more about Carol Beth here! Photo by  Luke Ma Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher